What time is it? Cities around the world use various clock time by timezone. When New York is daylight, but Tokyo is in night. This app show cities on globe-earth and their clocks. DST (Daylight Saving Time) state will be adjusted to clock for some cities.
◉ Feature ◉
◎ Realtime high quality globe blended by sunlight and city-light
◎ Database with 1300+ cities
◎ Present city-timezone by specify color
◎ Support Daylight-Saving-Time (DST)
◎ Support 12/24 hour time
◎ Boundary of country and coast line (included disputed areas)
◎ Longitude/Latitude display (with equator, tropical, and polar)
◎ Smoothly control by gesture: tap, double-taps, pinch, slide
◎ Search tool by city-name
◎ Show your location on earth
◎ No internet requirement to use the app
◎ Use url-scheme to switch to "Globe Earth" app
◎ Sun-light playback animation
◉ Gesture Control ◉
◎ Tap: focus on city
◎ Double-Taps: add/del favorite city
◎ Pinch: zoom in/out, rotate
◎ Slide: move viewer
◉ Special Thanks ◉
◎ Naaty Design, http://www.content-pack.com
◎ Visible Earth, http://visibleearth.nasa.gov
◎ Natural Earth, http://www.naturalearthdata.com
◎ Tom Patterson, www.shadedrelief.com